Summer SOS: save your skin with Face and body serum – antioxidants from the Natural line. For active Partners available at a promotional price!

Summer SOS: save your skin with Face and body serum – antioxidants from the Natural line. For active Partners available at a promotional price!

Sometimes it happens that what improves our well-being and has a positive effect on the body, has harmful effects on the skin. But after all, would you be able to refuse yourself the pleasure of sunbathing on the beach, swimming in the sea or staying in air-conditioned rooms when the outside temperature is approaching thirty degrees? For many of us this is our summer ABC. What should we do to prevent our skin from sending SOS signal? Give it a lifeline in the form of a Face and body serum – antioxidants. For active Partners (with a minimum of 1 Happy Sun) it is now at a discounted price of € 12,90, £ 9,90, Kč 249!

Danger is lurking everywhere!

Unfortunately, dangers lurk round every corner: solar radiation, salt water, chlorine dissolved in the pool, wind, and air conditioning – it is very hard to avoid them during the summer season, and they cause dry skin sensation, excessive peeling of the skin, redness, discoloration and pigmentation damage. What to do in such situation? Avoid fun and the sun? Not necessarily. During summer frenzy our skin needs just a little more of specialised care.

Antioxidants to the rescue of the skin

In summer our sun-kissed skin needs a solid dose of concentrated natural antioxidants. Preparations for summer care should contain vegetable oils, natural extracts and vitamins. Oils improve elasticity and activate skin regeneration processes, providing it with a perfect moisturisation too. It is worth using products containing vitamin E and C, which nourish the skin and eliminate free radicals. And vitamin A makes the skin smooth and lightened. This is how we can make our tanned face look younger. And you can find these magical substances in the bottles of Face and body serum – antioxidants.

Face and body serum antioxidants

It's one of your favourite Colway products. It contains valuable natural active substances which support skin regeneration. Just see what it contains: buckthorn oil (precursor of vitamin A), green coffee oil (unique moisturising properties thanks to a high content of phytosterols), argan oil (abundant with natural vitamin E), macadamia oil (vitamins A, B and E and mineral compounds), coenzyme Q10 (supports cell metabolism and regeneration), chinese tea extract (polyphenols), wild Andean rose extract (vitamins A and C), rosemary leaf extract (natural sunscreen), vitamin C.
Note! Throughout the whole 31/16 QW and 32/16 QW (02-08-2016 to 15-08-2016) each active Partner (a holder of at least 1 Happy Sun), can add to the order a maximum of 3 bottles of Face and body serum – antioxidants from the Natural line at a discounted price of € 12,90, £ 9,90, Kč 249.

How to order the promotional products?

1. Check how many Happy Sun points you have. If you have at least 1 Happy Sun you can take advantage of the special offer.
2. Place an order for a minimum of 1 VP in 31/16 QW or 32/16 QW.
3. In the cart summary you will see the box "Rewards" – select how many bottles of Serum you want to order. You can add a maximum of 3 bottles of Face and body serum – antioxidants from the Natural line at a discounted price of € 12,90, £ 9,90, Kč 249 per unit to the order. Please note – think your decision over as you can take advantage of the special offer only once!
4. Acknowledge your choice of rewards.
5. Get the shipment in which you will find your rewards.
6. Be sure to inform the Partners in your team about the special offer!
*Prices including discount for Partners.

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